Cute little mouth in the 852.
I rarely post local species doesn’t mean I don’t do field trips (or herping) in here. It’s just there’re too many animals around the globe that are piquing my “never-canceled” curiosity. Now, staying at home, it’s never been a better time to re-explore Home Kong.
This Hong Kong resident is a Spotted narrow-mouthed frog or known as Kalophrynus interlineatus in science. 1 of the 5 local species in the narrow-mouthed frog family (Microhylidae).
In Hong Kong they are only found in northern New Territories but not Lantau, Kowloon or Hong Kong Island. I found this one in Fanling. They can also be found in southern China, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand. Their habitats are forests, cultivated lands and grasslands.
It has subtle eardrums that can hardly be seen. Being small (4 cm) and looking cute doesn’t mean it’s vulnerable. It does secrete toxic fluid when threatened. Oh, and yes, obviously it can only eat a teeny weeny bit of food — mainly ants!
See more of my encounters with Hong Kong Wildlife.
這可愛的蛙類是花细狹口蛙, 又名條紋狹口蛙, 你只能在香港北面的新界找得到, 但不能在大嶼山, 九龍或香港島。
這一隻花细狹口蛙是在粉嶺找到的, 牠們也曾出沒在中國南部 緬甸 越南及泰國, 牠們一般於森林, 耕地, 以及草原出沒。 牠們主要以蟻類為食, 因為牠們的口太小了。